Transcriptomics Pain Signatures Database
Gene Search
Pathway Search
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Meta Analysis
This website allows you to search for specific genes and pathways in the Transcriptomics Pain Signatures Database (TPSDB), which is a database of differentially expressed genes and pathways derived from hundreds of comparisons in multiple publicly available datasets of various pain phenotypes in multiple species to help you test your hypothesis, learn about conditions in which your favorable genes and pathways are differentially expressed, and more.
Step 1: Input your search term(s), separated by a comma
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Step 2: Choose the conditions to limit the search to
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Type your gene or pathway into the search bar, then use the advanced search options to reduce your search. Pain phenotype will either take all the phenotypes, or a specific one of your choice. The other options can have multiple selections.
The species that the contrast is done in.
Mmus: Mouse
Rnor: Rat
Hsap: Human
Sscr: Pig
Homo Sapiens
Mus Musculus
Rattus Norvegicus
Sus Scrofa
The main subject of the comparison:
PAIN: Comparison of pain assay
TIME: Comparison of time points in each pain assay
SEX: Comparison of sexes
SITE: Comparison of pain sites
CELL: Comparison of cell types
DIET: Comparison of diet
MUT: Comparison of mutated genome
Pain Phenotype
Cell Type
The sex of the species used in the study:
M: Males only
F: Females only
MF: Males and females combined
Unknown: not mentioned in the study
Male and Female
Sequencing method used in the study:
HTS: High throughput sequencing
ARRAY: Microarray
High Throughput Sequencing
Pain Category:
Study pain phenotypes:
IP: Inflammatory pain
NP: Neuropathic pain
OTH: Other pain types
Inflammatory Pain
Neuropathic Pain
Pain Phenotype:
Pain assay used in the study:
AA Arthralgia
ACR Acrylamide-treated
BCP Bone cancer pain
BURN Burn injury
CAIA Collagen antibody-induced arthritis
CCD Chronic compression of the DRG
CCI Chronic constriction injury
CFA Complete Freund's adjuvant
CGN Carrageenan-treated
CIPN Chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain
CISP Cisplatin-treated
DMM Destabilization of the medial meniscus
eRA Early rheumatoid arthritis
HDACI Histone deacetylase inhibitors
IFA Incomplete Freund's adjuvant
IL Interleukin-treated
IP Inflammatory Pain
IPSP Incisional postsurgical pain
LLMI Lower-limb musculoskeletal injuries (via freezing)
LRA Late/established rheumatoid arthritis
MUG Microgravity-induced
MUT Genetically altered mutant
NGF/IL6 NGF- and IL6-treated cells
NOWS Neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome
OA Osteoarthritis
PN Peripheral neuropathy
PNL Peripheral nerve lesion
PRL Exogenous prolactin
PSL Partial sciatic nerve ligation
SALI Saline-treated
SCD Sickle cell disease
SCI Spinal cord injury
SNC Sciatic nerve cuffing
SNI Spared nerve injury
SNL Spinal nerve ligation
SNR Sciatic nerve resection
SNT Sciatic nerve transection
STOM Oral ulcerative mucositis (stomatitis)
TAMP Tail amputation
VZV Varicella zoster virus
3ME Third molar extraction
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Bone cancer pain
Burn injury
Collagen antibody-induced arthritis
Chronic compression of the DRG
Chronic constriction injury
Complete Freund's adjuvant
Chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain
Destabilization of the medial meniscus
Early rheumatoid arthritis
Histone deacetylase inhibitors
Incomplete Freund's adjuvant
Inflammatory Pain
Incisional postsurgical pain
Lower-limb musculoskeletal injuries
Late/established rheumatoid arthritis
Genetically altered mutant
NGF- and IL6-treated cells
Neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome
Peripheral neuropathy
Peripheral nerve lesion
Exogenous prolactin
Partial sciatic nerve ligation
Sickle cell disease
Spinal cord injury
Sciatic nerve cuffing
Spared nerve injury
Spinal nerve ligation
Sciatic nerve resection
Sciatic nerve transection
Oral ulcerative mucositis (stomatitis)
Tail amputation
Varicella zoster virus
Third molar extraction
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